Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Q Character of the Day: Joan Rivers

Last night, I had the unfortunate pleasure of watching Joan Rivers sell jewelry on QVC. Due to her aggressive red-carpet behavior, people may associate Joan with E! or the TV Guide Channel. They would be wrong. Joan started with QVC in 1990, when she could actually blink. Scratch that – that may have been the 1980s. Well, regardless of her facial expressions (or lack thereof) she was there; which is more than I can say for last night.

Poor, poor Joan. I fear the tucks, pulls and lifts she endured over the past two decades have taken a toll on her brain. “Forget ‘Tuesdays with Morrie,’” she screeched on air. “It’s Tuesdays with Joan!” Help us. With the little movement her latest facelift allows, she worked hard to sell her dreck. Her bony, wrinkled fingers fondled the clip-on earrings, treasure egg collections and broaches. Her behavior was ordinary, as ordinary can be for Joan Rivers. Until she tried to remember what she did last week, turned to the host and said, “I don’t know where I am.” Joan, you are on TV, and I think it should be the last time.

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