When watching QVC, the Q jargon gets heavy. For first-time watchers, the network can be overwhelming. The hosts drop terms like TSV, OTO and easy payments as frequently as Chris Rock drops the f-bomb. For them, these terms roll off the tongue like ‘lol,’ ‘brb,’ and ‘idk’ fly off the fingers. Lucky for you, I hold the knowledge to defining these cryptic terms.
TSV: Today’s Special Value. Every day, QVC offers one item at a significantly low price until 11:59 p.m. Or until it sells out.
Secret Q Tactic: Elicit fear in customers. Buy now or regret forever, it will never be at that price again (insert Wicked Witch of the West laughter.)
OTO: One Time Only. If the TSV sells out, this is what they offer you. Essentially, it’s a back-up TSV. At a low price for as long as they need it to be.
Secret Q Tactic: The OTO is comparable to receiving a silver medal. You’re making a good purchase, but not the best purchase. In layman’s terms, you’re a slacker – but you still made out well.
Try Me: This is incentive for the viewer to buy a new brand. The product is offered at a low price, and you can only purchase one.
Secret Q Tactic: One per customer makes the product exclusive. Less is more, essentially.
Easy Payments and Q-Card: Easy payments break down the price of an item. Instead of $100, it’s three easy payments of $33.33. Take advantage of the easy payments with your Q card. Q card = credit card you can use on QVC to make shopping that much easier.
Secret Q Tactic: They want your money, honey. Plain and simple. Making your life easier, makes more money for QVC. Keep using that Q Card.
TSV: Today’s Special Value. Every day, QVC offers one item at a significantly low price until 11:59 p.m. Or until it sells out.
Secret Q Tactic: Elicit fear in customers. Buy now or regret forever, it will never be at that price again (insert Wicked Witch of the West laughter.)
OTO: One Time Only. If the TSV sells out, this is what they offer you. Essentially, it’s a back-up TSV. At a low price for as long as they need it to be.
Secret Q Tactic: The OTO is comparable to receiving a silver medal. You’re making a good purchase, but not the best purchase. In layman’s terms, you’re a slacker – but you still made out well.
Try Me: This is incentive for the viewer to buy a new brand. The product is offered at a low price, and you can only purchase one.
Secret Q Tactic: One per customer makes the product exclusive. Less is more, essentially.
Easy Payments and Q-Card: Easy payments break down the price of an item. Instead of $100, it’s three easy payments of $33.33. Take advantage of the easy payments with your Q card. Q card = credit card you can use on QVC to make shopping that much easier.
Secret Q Tactic: They want your money, honey. Plain and simple. Making your life easier, makes more money for QVC. Keep using that Q Card.
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